Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Do Hard Things

I have finished one of the most powerful books I have ever read. It is by two teens Alex and Brett Harris called 'Do Hard Things'. It has been an amazing book and it has truly changed my life and the things I do.

Most people in today's culture expect nothing from teenagers. The book is mainly about rebelling against low expectations. Instead of trying to slip away from the things that we don't want to do and that may be hard for us, we need to step up and get out of our comfort zone. Maybe something that is hard for you may be keeping conversations with adults. Or maybe it is being obedient and respectful to your parents. Whatever it is in your life there is always a spot for improvement and doing those things that may not always come easy.

Your adolescence years are when you became a man or woman. The more you do hard things now the easier they'll be when your older. For instance: When Brett (one of the authors of the book) used to start taking showers he was really scared and didn't like it. But the more he took them the more he seemed less afraid. That is how it is with doing difficult things that you don't want to do. They will pay off in the future. If your problem is doing chores with a cheerful heart and you work on it now look at how good you'll be at it later when your a mom.

One of the most important things of all is doing it for the glory and honor of Jesus Christ and letting him be control of our lives not the other way around. I challenge you to read this book and I promise you, you won't regret it later.

*For more information you can go to which is Alex and Brett Harris' website.


Savannah Nichole said...

I love that site! Savannah

Anonymous said...

I have read this book! I was great!